Who We Are

Who We Are


Adopted, adopter and social worker.  I embrace my imperfections and continue to push forward despite setbacks. I am a trier, and a doer and I am very reflective I just don’t always have the grace to be reflexive. I am determined to make a difference and hope PATCH reflects my commitment to keep pushing for change, one step at a time.


I am a birth mum, and an adopter, and a New Zealander. I am proud to say I am Fiona’s sidekick. We met through both wanting change in the world of adoption for the better. Passionate about the failings within the Education system, that are stopping our children from reaching their potential. I want to join the call to change the world for everyone struggling daily, banging our drums and causing ripples in the world of Adoption, Fostering, SGO’s etc and our families and friends…

Lottie – Adopter, Campaigner, shade lover

Always thought I would end up with my feet firmly on a beach for the rest of my life, all I wanted was cocktails, love, to give to humanity and to sit in the shade. But maybe one day I will do just that, but for now I want people to be recognized for what they do well, and what they do right and for the right people to have the right information, and power and responsibility, and for the ego behind those who blame to light up behind them, to show them for what they really are.

Kristie – PATCH friend

The supporter of all supporters, walking by our side, hand holding, helping, and guiding our words when we push for change. A lady who wont stay in a campervan, or a tent, or a caravan, but who will tell you when your wrong, and most certainly tell you when your right. Compassionate, caring, whole hearted friend of PATCH with whom with couldn’t do without.