

PATCH wants to make it clear that the views expressed on this website are not representative of all Local Authorities or Regional Adoption Agencies. PATCH recognizes and appreciates the compassionate and dedicated work of many social workers and teams who handle family crises with integrity and respect.

Best social work practices must address complex familial issues and adapt to the evolving landscape. Responsibility for change does not rest on social workers. Change indeed needs to come from management and the hierarchy around adoption. They play a crucial role in setting the stage differently. Admittedly change often takes time as there needs to be change policies, establishing processes, providing resources, but fostering a culture shift in a system isn’t as timely, and maybe that’s as simple as a conversation, an open discussion, or a safe space for a different connection, which builds and builds and supports positive change from within an organization. There also needs to be a collaboration with adopters, adoptees, social workers, trauma experts, and the wider community to design and implement the changes.

The goal is to spark conversations about effective approaches and areas needing improvement, fostering change, learning, and development. Recognizing the diverse perspectives and immense challenges involved, PATCH emphasizes the importance of positive practices that benefit all parties involved.

PATCH acknowledges the positive efforts made by social workers in managing crisis differently and aims to highlight good practices and positive impact.

Additionally, it’s important to acknowledge the dedication and hard work of those social workers who face daily challenges and complexities, who work tremendously hard to protect children from harm, and go above and beyond.

This page aims to showcase the good, the best, and the positive aspects social work intervention within adoption crisis.

Parenting at a Distance – A Positive Outcome