Author Archives: Patch Author
Adoption Cult-ure
Many of you may know that there comes a point in the adoption support journey [...]
Open Letter
Dear social worker, When you were informed about the new case, did you feel excited, [...]
A Letter To Our Social Worker…
Letter From an Adopter To our social worker, I have been trying to stay balanced [...]
The “Wrong Kind of Disabled”
The “Wrong Kind of Disabled”: How Services Fail Adopted Children & Their Families By Madeleine [...]
A Guide to those facing Child Protection within Adoption Crisis
When requesting support beyond the level of a Child in Need plan, Local Authorities (LAs) [...]
Overview of Adoption Breakdown. What is S20 and how do you request it?
If you are an adoptive parent reading this article, then you are probably feeling about [...]
PATCH Newsletter January 2025
January 2025 I hope this email finds you well! We’re excited to share the first [...]
By An Adoptive Grandmother
It was an afternoon in late Spring when my husband and I first met our [...]
PATCH VIEWS ON…Allegations
This collection offers insights from parents caring for children with trauma symptoms, often encountering extremely [...]
Breaking Point: System Failures in Adoption and the Point of Ignorance
I’ve encountered countless families desperately seeking recognition for the inadequate practices they have faced during [...]
Honest Fuel
Please accept my apology for this honesty in advance. In October 2021, I began to [...]
Shattered Parents
We love our adopted children… but after years of violent attacks we had no choice [...]
A Different Take on Trauma?
Anon I appreciate this may be controversial in the adoption world, and I definitely agree [...]
Unwanted Object – A Poem
I feel like an object, misplaced Born to a womb of a foreign space, Thrown [...]
Dandelions – A Poem
It’s hearing “children are children” And “they just need love” Fake smiles and knowing that [...]
Betsy De Thierry’s Views
1. If a child is provided with positive safe care, is this enough for the [...]
PATCH Question Time: Answer Provided by Wild Ways Therapy
Do you believe early life trauma/adverse childhood experiences impact on a child’s functioning and development, [...]
Betrayed by the System: A Mother’s Fight for Justice
By Christine D I am a retired police officer and a single mother to a [...]
Who’s safeguarding who? By Jenny
Traumarama By Jenny Who’s safeguarding who? Another new school, another panicky call from a teacher [...]
When is your hand not your hand? By Jenny
When is your hand not your hand? Answer: when it’s attached to your terrified daughter. [...]
Traumarama By Jenny
This is a blog about being mum to 11 year-old Rosie; half tiger, half lawyer, [...]
Roadhog By Jenny
I, Roadhog What would Lewis Hamilton do, I sometimes think, on the 25-minute drive to [...]
Jenny’s Story: Festive Koala
This is hard to write. As I reflect on the complexities of my relationship [...]