Author Archives: Fiona Wells
If only they’d listened.
Like most people who adopt, we went through several years of desperately wanting to give [...]
Fight Mode Prevents Change – It Is A Systemic Issue Too
Barriers to Change in Social Work: Breaking the Cycle Change isn’t just necessary—it’s urgent. Every [...]
If only they had listened…………
my children would still live with their siblings. my daughter would not have [...]
Should I never have adopted? by P
Three months after a short but traumatic experience with adoption I had found a group [...]
Mum’s Agony
We Adopted Two Children, But Four Months Later We Were Forced to Put Them in [...]
Reflections on My Adoption Experience By FT
My partner and I had not tried for birth children. Instead, we wanted to provide [...]
Parenting At A Distance
Parenting at a Distance When my adopted son went back into care in July 2021, [...]
Child To Parent (And Sibling) Violence And Abuse Due To Early Life Trauma And Attachment Disorder
By Sian Cooper For anyone who reads this story, I would ask that you consider [...]
Visibility as an Ethnically Mixed Family By Augusto Nembrini
Being autistic brings its own challenges, especially when it comes to recognising certain behaviours in [...]
Generations of Adoption – 70 Years By Crystal
Adoption 70 years Ago to Today As a family, we have had a varied experience [...]
Our Disruption Story
Our Disruption Story Disruption is never anything other than heart-breaking for everyone involved. However, how [...]
Committed To Building Change
Committed to Change in Adoption (Permanence) I am committed to building change in the world [...]
My name is Ellie, and this is my story
My husband and I adopted three siblings, hoping to give them a loving and stable [...]